Pratique d'intervention généraliste: MéthodeTEACCH

Lien vers la table des matières de la bibliographie thématique, composée de documents réunis par un Groupe de travail constitué dans la perspective de préciser les spécificités de l'approche clinique de l'Antenne 110 par rapport aux "Evidence-Based Practices" : CLIQUER ICI.

Boyd, B. A., Hume, K., McBee, M. T., Alessandri, M., Gutierrez, A., Johnson, L., . . . Odom, S. L. (2014). Comparative efficacy of LEAP, TEACCH and non-model-specific special education programs for preschoolers with autism spectrum disorders. J Autism Dev Disord, 44(2), 366-80.
Dionisi, J. P. (2013). Le programme TEACCH : Des principes à la pratique. Neuropsychiatrie De L'Enfance Et De L'Adolescence, 61(4), 236-242.
Goldstein, S., & Naglieri, J. A. (2013). Interventions for autism spectrum disorders : Translating science into practice. New York, NY: Springer.
Mesibov, G. B. (1997). Formal and informal measures on the effectiveness of the TEACCH programme. Autism, 1(1), 25-35.
Mesibov, G. B., Shea, V., Schopler, E., & more. (2005). The TEACCH approach to autism spectrum disorders (2004 edition ed., p. 212). New York: Springer.
Naoi, N. (2009). Intervention and treatment methods for children with autism spectrum disorders. In J. L. Matson (Ed.), Applied behavior analysis for children with autism spectrum disorders (pp. 67-81). Springer.
Orellana, L. M., Martínez-Sanchis, S., & Silvestre, F. J. (2014). Training adults and children with an autism spectrum disorder to be compliant with a clinical dental assessment using a teacch-based approach. J Autism Dev Disord, 44(4), 776-785.
Panerai, S., Ferrante, L., & Zingale, M. (2002). Benefits of the treatment and education of autistic and communication handicapped children (TEACCH) programme as compared with a non-specific approach. Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 46(4), 318-327.
Schopler, E., Mesibov, G. B., & Hearsey, K. (1995). Structured teaching in the TEACCH system. In Learning and cognition in autism (pp. 243-268). Springer US.
Virues-Ortega, J., Julio, F. M., & Pastor-Barriuso, R. (2013). The TEACCH program for children and adults with autism: A meta-analysis of intervention studies. Clin Psychol Rev, 33(8), 940-53.