Pratique d'intervention généraliste: Early Start Denver Model (ESDM)

Lien vers la table des matières de la bibliographie thématique, composée de documents réunis par un Groupe de travail constitué dans la perspective de préciser les spécificités de l'approche clinique de l'Antenne 110 par rapport aux "Evidence-Based Practices" : CLIQUER ICI.

Dawson, G., Rogers, S., Munson, J., Smith, M., Winter, J., Greenson, J., . . . Varley, J. (2010). Randomized, controlled trial of an intervention for toddlers with autism: The early start denver model. Pediatrics, 125(1), e17-23.

​Dawson, G., Jones, E. J., Merkle, K., Venema, K., Lowy, R., Faja, S., . . . Webb, S. J. (2012). Early behavioral intervention is associated with normalized brain activity in young children with autism. J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry, 51(11), 1150-9.

Eapen, V., Crncec, R., & Walter, A. (2013). Clinical outcomes of an early intervention program for preschool children with autism spectrum disorder in a community group setting. BMC Pediatr, 13(1), 3.

Fulton, E., Eapen, V., Crnčec, R., Walter, A., & Rogers, S. (2014). Reducing maladaptive behaviors in preschool-aged children with autism spectrum disorder using the early start denver model. Frontiers in Pediatrics, 2, 40.
Goldstein, S., & Naglieri, J. A. (2013). Interventions for autism spectrum disorders : Translating science into practice. New York, NY: Springer.
Rogers, S. J., & Dawson, G. (2013). L'intervention précoce en autisme : Le modèle de denver pour jeunes enfants: Evaluation et prise en charge. Paris: Dunod.
Rogers, S. J., Dawson, G., & Vismara, L. A. (2012). An early start for your child with autism: Using everyday activities to help kids connect, communicate, and learn (Édition : 1 ed., p. 342). New York: Guilford Publications.
Rogers, S. J., Estes, A., Lord, C., Vismara, L., Winter, J., Fitzpatrick, A., . . . Dawson, G. (2012). Effects of a brief early start denver model (ESDM)-based parent intervention on toddlers at risk for autism spectrum disorders: A randomized controlled trial. J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry, 51(10), 1052-65.
Vismara, L. A., & Rogers, S. J. (2008). The early start denver model a case study of an innovative practice. Journal of Early Intervention, 31(1), 91-108.
Vivanti, G., Dissanayake, C., Zierhut, C., Rogers, S. J., & Victorian, A. T. (2013). Brief report: Predictors of outcomes in the early start denver model delivered in a group setting. J Autism Dev Disord, 43(7), 1717-24.
Vivanti, G., Paynter, J., Duncan, E., Fothergill, H., Dissanayake, C., Rogers, S. J., & the Victorian ASELCC Team. (2014). Effectiveness and feasibility of the early start denver model implemented in a group-based community childcare setting. J Autism Dev Disord.