Pratique d'intervention ciblée: Interventions avec appui sur la technologie

Lien vers la table des matières de la bibliographie thématique, composée de documents réunis par un Groupe de travail constitué dans la perspective de préciser les spécificités de l'approche clinique de l'Antenne 110 par rapport aux "Evidence-Based Practices" : CLIQUER ICI.

Beaumont, R., & Sofronoff, K. (2008). A multi-component social skills intervention for children with asperger syndrome: The junior detective training program. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 49(7), 743-753.
Choi, H., O’Reilly, M., Sigafoos, J., & Lancioni, G. (2010). Teaching requesting and rejecting sequences to four children with developmental disabilities using augmentative and alternative communication. Res Dev Disabil, 31(2), 560-567.
Cihak, D. F., Wright, R., & Ayres, K. M. (2010). Use of self-modeling static-picture prompts via a handheld computer to facilitate self-monitoring in the general education classroom. Education and Training in Autism and Developmental Disabilities, 45(1), 136-149.
Darden-Brunson, F., Green, A., & Goldstein, H. (2008). Video-Based instruction for children with autism. In J. K. Luiselli, D. C. Russo, W. P. Christian, & S. M. Wilczynski (Eds.), Effective practices for children with autism (pp. 241-268). Oxford University Press.
da Silva, M. L., Gonçalves, D., Guerreiro, T., & Silva, H. (2012). A web-based application to address individual interests of children with autism spectrum disorders. Procedia Computer Science, 14, 20-27.
Faja, S., Aylward, E., Bernier, R., & Dawson, G. (2007). Becoming a face expert: A computerized face-training program for high-functioning individuals with autism spectrum disorders. Developmental Neuropsychology, 33(1), 1-24.
Golan, O., & Baron-Cohen, S. (2006). Systemizing empathy: Teaching adults with asperger syndrome or high-functioning autism to recognize complex emotions using interactive multimedia. Development and Psychopathology, 18(2), 591-617.
Golan, O., Ashwin, E., Granader, Y., McClintock, S., Day, K., Leggett, V., & Baron-Cohen, S. (2010). Enhancing emotion recognition in children with autism spectrum conditions: An intervention using animated vehicles with real emotional faces. J Autism Dev Disord, 40(3), 269-279.
Grynszpan, O., Weiss, P. L., Perez-Diaz, F., & Gal, E. (2014). Innovative technology-based interventions for autism spectrum disorders: A meta-analysis. Autism, 18(4), 346-61.
Hopkins, I. M., Gower, M. W., Perez, T. A., Smith, D. S., Amthor, F. R., Wimsatt, F. C., & Biasini, F. J. (2011). Avatar assistant: Improving social skills in students with an ASD through a computer-based intervention. J Autism Dev Disord, 41(11), 1543-1555.
Ismail, L. I., Shamsudin, S., Yussof, H., Hanapiah, F. A., & Zahari, N. I. (2012). Robot-based intervention program for autistic children with humanoid robot NAO: Initial response in stereotyped behavior. Procedia Engineering, 41, 1441-1447.
Kagohara, D. M., van der Meer, L., Achmadi, D., Green, V. A., O'Reilly, M. F., Mulloy, A., . . . Sigafoos, J. (2010). Behavioral intervention promotes successful use of an ipod-based communication device by an adolescent with autism. Clinical Case Studies, 9(5), 328-338.
Kodak, T., Fisher, W. W., Clements, A., & Bouxsein, K. J. (2011). Effects of computer-assisted instruction on correct responding and procedural integrity during early intensive behavioral intervention. Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders, 5(1), 640-647.
Mechling, L. C., & Savidge, E. J. (2011). Using a personal digital assistant to increase completion of novel tasks and independent transitioning by students with autism spectrum disorder. J Autism Dev Disord, 41(6), 687-704.
Mechling, L. C., Gast, D. L., & Cronin, B. A. (2006). The effects of presenting high-preference items, paired with choice, via computer-based video programming on task completion of students with autism. Focus on Autism and Other Developmental Disabilities, 21(1), 7-13.
Mechling, L. C., Gast, D. L., & Seid, N. H. (2009). Using a personal digital assistant to increase independent task completion by students with autism spectrum disorder. J Autism Dev Disord, 39(10), 1420-1434.
Mineo, B. A., Ziegler, W., Gill, S., & Salkin, D. (2009). Engagement with electronic screen media among students with autism spectrum disorders. J Autism Dev Disord, 39(1), 172-187.
Moore, M., & Calvert, S. (2000). Brief report: Vocabulary acquisition for children with autism: Teacher or computer instruction. J Autism Dev Disord, 30(4), 359-362.
Myles, B. S., Ferguson, H., & Hagiwara, T. (2007). Using a personal digital assistant to improve the recording of homework assignments by an adolescent with asperger syndrome. Focus on Autism and Other Developmental Disabilities, 22(2), 96-99.
Poslawsky, I. E., Naber, F. B., Bakermans-Kranenburg, M. J., van Daalen, E., van Engeland, H., & van IJzendoorn, M. H. (2014). Video-feedback intervention to promote positive parenting adapted to autism (VIPP-AUTI): A randomized controlled trial. Autism: The International Journal of Research and Practice.
Richter, S., & Test, D. (2011). Effects of multimedia social stories on knowledge of adult outcomes and opportunities among transition-aged youth with significant cognitive disabilities. Education and Training in Autism and Developmental Disabilities, 46(3), 410-424.
Silver, M., & Oakes, P. (2001). Evaluation of a new computer intervention to teach people with autism or asperger syndrome to recognize and predict emotions in others. Autism, 5(3), 299-316.
Soares, D. A., Vannest, K. J., & Harrison, J. (2009). Computer aided self-monitoring to increase academic production and reduce self-injurious behavior in a child with autism. Behavioral Interventions, 24(3), 171-183.
Stromer, R., Mackay, H. A., Howell, S. R., McVay, A. A., & Flusser, D. (1996). Teaching computer-based spelling to individuals with developmental and hearing disabilities: Transfer of stimulus control to writing tasks. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 29(1), 25-42.
Whalen, C., Moss, D., Ilan, A. B., Vaupel, M., Fielding, P., Macdonald, K., . . . Symon, J. (2010). Efficacy of teachtown: Basics computer-assisted intervention for the intensive comprehensive autism program in los angeles unified school district. Autism: The International Journal of Research and Practice, 14(3), 179-197.